
is sad a sickness?  or just an emotions? maybe both.

according to the National Institute of Mental HealthDepression is one of the most common mental disorders in the world, affecting more than 16 million adults. depression is a feelings of sadness and a loss of interest in things once enjoyed. feeling an exhaustion, headaches, and aches and pains. 
in this case i believe that  mental disorder "depression" is a different kind of depresi in bahasa. ya karna, keterbatasan kosa kata kita. 

"bu, aku punya depression

ha, kok bisa? emang kamu lagi punya masalah apa?

engga bu, aku lagi gapunya masalah ko. keuangan aku lancar, kuliah lancar, sama pacar ak juga gekanapa- napa.

ini tuh kondisi kejiwaan aku."

*Ibu bingung*

yap, depresi have a causes but depression IS NOT. its a condition, a mental condition. it can just hit everyone. like a fever. you eat healthy food, living a healthy life, you rich, you wealth, you still can have it. theres no certainly reason why people can have it. its not like a depresi. orang bangkrut, ditipu mitra kerja, putus cinta, galulus ujian, gagal jadi anggota dewan bisa depresi. BUT DEPRESSION IS A DIFFERENT THINGS.

and the worst part of having mental disorder is, people do not notice you. because you looks  so normal in the outside. but they dont know that youre dying in the inside. you strugling every fucking day just to be able to breath. you swallow sleeping pills just to get over things, you cries every night without a reason, you hate youself in the mirror, you even hate how you smile.

so, stop judging people. quiet people doesnt meant theyre kuper, skinny people doesnt meant theyre cacingan, man who cries a lot doesnt meant he is cengeng or bucin, and people who post about sad pictures doesnt meant they seeking attention. maybe they have a depression, or maybe theyre lonely, maybe they have eating disorders, ocd or maybe THEYRE JUST HAVING A SUICIDAL THOUGHTS. SO FUCK YOU, MIND YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS, BE NICE TO PEOPLE OR SHUT THE FUCK UP. YOU FUCKING BULLIES, MAKE SURE YOU CAN SLEEP WELL AT NIGHT BECAUSE OF YOUR HATE SPEECH, YOUR THOUGHTS PEOPLE COMITTED SUICIDE YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHITS!!! FUCK OFF!!!

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